Selasa, 05 Juni 2012

Industri Kelapa Sawit

Palm Oil Milling Our core business line revolves around the processing of Fresh Fruit Bunches and trading of crude palm oil and palm kernel. Inti lini bisnis kami berkisar pada pengolahan Tandan Buah Segar dan perdagangan minyak sawit mentah dan inti sawit. With over 2 decades of experience in the palm oil milling industry, we have successfully grown to be one of the largest privately owned Independent Palm Oil Miller in Malaysia. Dengan lebih dari 2 dekade pengalaman dalam industri penggilingan kelapa sawit, kami telah berhasil berkembang menjadi salah satu swasta terbesar Minyak Independen Palm Miller di Malaysia.
The Palm Oil Milling process at our mills, follow a proven system that ensures high efficiency and quality of the final products. The Palm Oil Penggilingan proses di pabrik kami, mengikuti sistem terbukti yang menjamin efisiensi tinggi dan kualitas produk akhir. These mills comprises of several modern facilities and equipment for processing Palm fruits. Pabrik ini terdiri dari beberapa fasilitas modern dan peralatan untuk pengolahan buah sawit.
Our mills produce 6 different end products namely: Pabrik kami memproduksi 6 produk akhir yang berbeda yaitu:
  1. Crude Palm Oil Crude Palm Oil
  2. Red Palm Oil Red Palm Oil
  3. Palm Kernel Palm Kernel
  4. Palm Shell Palm Shell
  5. Decanter Solids Dekanter Padat
  6. Empty Fruit Bunch and Mesocarp Fibre Buah Kosong Bunch dan Serat mesocarp
These products are of great commercial value and economic importance. Produk-produk ini memiliki nilai komersial yang besar dan kepentingan ekonomi. It is also the pride of BELL Group that our product meets and even surpasses the standard requirements. Itu juga merupakan kebanggaan Grup BELL bahwa produk kami memenuhi dan bahkan melampaui persyaratan standar.
The CPO produced at our mill meets the standard for: CPO yang diproduksi di pabrik kami memenuhi standar untuk:
  • Moisture content of <0.25% Moisture isi <0,25%
  • Cleanliness of CPO (< 0.02%) Kebersihan CPO (<0,02%)
  • FFA – Free Fatty Acids and FFA - Asam Lemak Bebas dan
  • Deterioration Of Bleachability Index – (DOBI) Penurunan Of Index Bleachability - (DOBI)
We currently own and operate 8 palm oil mills in Malaysia and Indonesia processing a combined value of approximately 1.2 millions metric tons of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) annually, an equivalent of 62,000 hectares of oil palm plantation that yields an average of 30,000 tonnes of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) per month. Saat ini kami memiliki dan mengoperasikan 8 pabrik kelapa sawit di Malaysia dan Indonesia pengolahan nilai gabungan dari sekitar 1,2 juta metrik ton tandan buah segar (TBS) per tahun, setara dengan 62.000 hektar perkebunan kelapa sawit yang menghasilkan rata-rata 30.000 ton minyak mentah Palm Oil (CPO) per bulan.
1. 1. BELL Sri Lingga, Melaka, Malaysia BELL Sri Lingga, Melaka, Malaysia
2. 2. Kilang Sawit CP, Pahang, Malaysia Kilang Sawit CP, Pahang, Malaysia
3. 3. BELL Palm Industries, Johor, Malaysia BELL Palm Industries, Johor, Malaysia
4. 4. BELL-KSL, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia BELL-KSL, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
5. 5. Syarikat Perusahaan Kelapa Sawit, Johor, Malaysia Syarikat anak pajak tangguhan Kelapa Sawit, Johor, Malaysia
6. 6. Kilang Sawit United BELL, Johor, Malaysia Kilang Sawit Serikat BELL, Johor, Malaysia
7. 7. Kilang Sawit BELL, Sabah, Malaysia Kilang Sawit BELL, Sabah, Malaysia
8. 8. PT. PT. Pinggir Agro Lestari, Indonesia Pinggir Agro Lestari, Indonesia
Flow chart of palm oil extraction
Figure 1:Flow Chart of Palm Oil Extraction Process from the “Machines/Equipment Viewpoint” Gambar 1: Alur Proses Ekstraksi Minyak Sawit dari "Viewpoint Mesin / Peralatan"